05-02-2022 GraphQL Landscape Weekly Report
This is a weekly report providing a snapshot of the GraphQL landscape that is of interest to the wider community. Items added to the report may not have occurred in a given week, but were found that week. Things here may change depending on your feedback or improvements in layout or format. Let the experiment begin!

Identify the people each week who are doing interesting things within any of the areas below.
- Name: Predrag Gruevski
- Description: System Architecture Engineer, Kensho, GraphQL compiler author
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/PredragGruevski
- LinkedIn: NA
- Github: https://github.com/obi1kenobi
- Name: Matteo Collina
- Description: Chief Software Architect NearForm, Co-creator of Fastify, Node JS TSC member
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/matteocollina
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matteocollina/
- Github: https://github.com/mcollina
- Name: Highnote
- Description of Use: GraphQL API Gateway to gRPC microservices. Payments for embedded finance.
- URL: https://highnoteplatform.com
The Beat
Interesting issues on Github
- Title: Allow recursive references in fragments selection subsets
- Description: Recursive references do not necessarily produce infinite loops. When a reference to a fragment (the owner fragment or other one forming a reference cycle) is inside a selection subset on one of the fields, the execution/unfolding the fragment(s) does not result in infinite loop (unless the data itself forms a loop at the same time, more on this later).
- URL: https://github.com/graphql/graphql-spec/issues/929
Interesting discussions on Github
- Title: Client Controlled Nullability: Null Propagation
- Description: RFC for spec changes. I'm going to try and separate null propagation and error handling discussion. In the original thread and during working group discussions, the conflation of the two has been causing some confusion about what options exist .
- URL: https://github.com/graphql/graphql-wg/blob/main/notes/2022/2022-04-07.md
- Title: GraphQL Joins, available in Hasura v2.6.0.
- Description: With GraphQL Joins, developers can federate their queries and mutations across multiple GraphQL services as if they were a single GraphQL schema without modifying any of the underlying APIs or writing any extra code or requiring any changes to the upstream GraphQL service.
- URL: https://hasura.io/blog/introducing-graphql-joins-for-federating-data-across-graphql-services/
- Title: NeuraLegion becomes Bright Security and raises $20M Series A
- Description: As developers are increasingly tasked with security testing (on top of everything else that comes with the DevOps model), the Bright Security team put an emphasis on making its tools as easy to use and frictionless as possible. It integrates with existing CI/CD pipelines and can scan anything from web apps to Rest, SOAP and GraphQL APIs.
- URL: https://techcrunch.com/2022/03/02/dynamic-application-security-testing-service-neuralegion-raises-20m-series-a-round/
- Title: Salt Security Finds Serious GraphQL API Security Hole
- Description: Salt Security researchers found a GraphQL API authorization vulnerability in a B2B financial technology (FinTech) platform.
- URL: https://thenewstack.io/salt-security-finds-serious-graphql-api-security-hole/
Interesting Tweets
- Title: GraphQL caching demystified
- Description: Conference talk
- URL: https://twitter.com/matteocollina/status/1520071412731494406
Interesting Videos
- Title: How to query (almost) everything
- Description: Conference talk at HAVE YOU TRIED RUBBING A DATABASE ON IT?
- URL: https://www.hytradboi.com/2022/how-to-query-almost-everything
- Title: GraphQL Input Types
- Description: Avoid bloating mutations with arguments, and instead opt to use input types you can extend over time. Explore naming conventions for input types, how to define them, and use them with variables.
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YB0q1WshdLw
- Title: Vertex GraphQL service proxy
- Description: The Vertex GraphQL service proxy was inspired by current pitfalls working with monolithic GraphQL schemas.
- URL: https://github.com/joshpauline/vertex
- Title: Spearmint
- Description: Spearmint is an open-source prototyping tool made by developers, for developers, to simplify the process of creating tests for your application. The Spearmint team is proud to announce that the latest release of Spearmint now includes testing suites for both Svelte and GraphQL.
- URL: https://github.com/open-source-labs/spearmint
- Title: Introducing SpectaQL 1.0
- Description: Anvil released SpectaQL to the open source community with the goal of becoming the de-facto, go-to library to use for auto-generating static HTML documentation for any GraphQL API.
- URL: https://www.useanvil.com/blog/engineering/spectaql-one-point-zero/
- Title: The GraphQL Developer Experience at Twitter, QCon Plus
- Description: QCon Plus, online conference May 10th - 12th.
- URL: https://plus.qconferences.com
- Title: GraphQL Contributor Day | May 2022
- Description: The goal of this event is to not only give essential updates to the community but also as a forum to provide a voice for anyone using GraphQL to have direct access to core contributors and authors of various libraries and frameworks through live chat and an online broadcast.
- URL: https://www.graphql-meetup.com
Platform | Totals | |
Twitter Followers | 74,779 | |
Active on Discord | 600-700 | |
LinkedIn UG | 2,636 | |
Meetup groups | 142 groups | 83,993 |
Github Metrics | ||
Watchers | 548 | |
Forks | 1,133 | |
Stars | 13,729 | |
Stack Overflow Questions | 46,535 |