05-09-2022 GraphQL Landscape Weekly Report

This is a weekly report providing a snapshot of the GraphQL landscape that is of interest to the wider community. Items added to the report may not have occurred in a given week, but were found that week. Things here may change depending on your feedback or improvements in layout or format. Let the experiment begin!


Identify the people each week who are doing interesting things within any of the areas below.

  • Name: Yaacov Rydzinski
  • Description: Independent developer and MD of Radiology who contributes regularly and deeply to the GraphQL spec and a library or two.
  • Twitter: NA
  • LinkedIn: NA
  • Github: https://github.com/yaacovCR


The Beat

Interesting issues on Github

  • Title: Add @experimental Directive
  • Description: @experimental directives could be used to indicate that a given field hasn't reached stable status yet. It's usable for debug/development purpose but is also subject to breaking changes such as renaming and/or type change. This has been added to the graphql-wg schedule for discussion.
  • URL: https://github.com/graphql/graphql-spec/issues/943

Interesting discussions on Github


  • Title: GraphQL is a trap?
  • Description: This twitter thread blew up on twitter yesterday and I thought I’d go over some of the author’s points in a longer format so we can clear up some misconceptions. Let’s go over them one by one!
  • URL: https://xuorig.medium.com/graphql-is-a-trap-e83ca380aa8f

Interesting Tweets

Interesting Videos

  • Title: Load Testing GraphQL APIs with k6
  • Description: Roy Derks will teach you how to load test a GraphQL API built with StepZen. For this the open source library k6 (https://k6.io) is used on a StepZen API that combines data from different sources.
  • URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEk4lMFZEWA

  • Title: AWS re:Invent 2021 - Introduction to GraphQL
  • Description: GraphQL is an open-source API query language. This session provides an introduction to GraphQL theory and practice. Learn the three superpowers of GraphQL, how GraphQL compares to REST API, and how to take GraphQL into production.
  • URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxvaE1b9x_w



  • Title: THAT Conference
  • Description: THAT Conference is unlike any other technical conference. This unique four-day summer camp is full of workshops, sessions, open spaces, family events, and networking, all nestled in the gorgeous Kalahari Resort and Waterpark.
  • URL: https://that.us/events/wi/2022/


Platform Totals
Twitter Followers 75,313
Active on Discord 600-700
LinkedIn UG 2,629
Meetup groups 142 gropups 84,145
Github Metrics
Watchers 546
Forks 1,136
Stars 13,739
Stack Overflow Questions 46,789